Title: Shelter Medicine Resident Alumna 2009
Dr. Ann Therese “Tess” Kommedal was born and raised in Stavanger, Norway.
In 2003 she graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary medicine in Budapest, Hungary. Following graduation she worked at a small animal clinic in Norway for a year before being accepted to a rotational internship in small animal surgery and medicine in at the University of Florida. She completed her shelter medicine residency and graduated from the Masters of Preventive Veterinary Medicine program at the University of California, Davis in 2009.
Upon completion of her training, Dr. Kommedal accepted the position of clinical assistant professor in shelter medicine at the University of Ohio, School of Veterinary Medicine, and Chief Veterinarian at the Capital Area Humane Society in Columbus, Ohio.
In November of 2010 Dr. Kommedal returned to California to accept the position of associate veterinarian in shelter medicine in a newly created joint position at the Marin Humane Society and the Koret Shelter Medicine Program, CCAH, UC Davis.
In 2011 Dr. Kommedal returned to Norway to spread word of the shelter medicine program to the good folks of Europe.