Katie Blancett, Animal Health Technician, YCAS

Katie Blancett graduated the Yuba College Veterinary Technician program in 2017. During her time at the program she did two lab animal internships: UC Davis Mouse Biology Program and Antibodies Inc. After graduating she decided to pursue the Laboratory Animal field at Antibodies Inc. for 3 years. While working there she gained experience working with a wide range of animals including: rabbits, mice, rats, hamsters, Guinea pigs, chickens, goats, sheep and alpacas. In addition, she became comfortable restraining, performing jugular draws, and all different types of injections and believes this will assist her performance in shelter medicine.

Katie Blancett

In the first year of the program she had an internship at Sutter County Animal Services and fell in love. Katie’s first passion was shelter medicine and she has always dreamed of working in a shelter setting. When she was in school she enjoyed volunteering for vaccine clinics with a few of her classmates from the program. Katie thoroughly enjoys working with cats and dogs, and also loves pocket pets and exotics.

Katie joined the Koret Shelter Medicine Program in January 2020. She will be working as an animal health technician alongside Dr. Kraus, Emma Hewitt and the 4th year students doing their shelter medicine rotation. She is excited to gain more knowledge and experience while working for KSMP.

After Katie obtains her RVT license, she is considering going back to school for her bachelors in genetics or animal rehabilitation.  

In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, going to concerts and spending time with her two cats, Charlie and Louie.