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It’s always better when we work together.

Veterinarian in green scrubs sitting at a table typing on a laptop computer

Whether you’re a shelter veterinarian looking to discuss infectious disease protocols, a field representative ready to expand your lost and found programming, or a kennel manager prepping to train your staff on Capacity for Care, we’ve built an ecosystem where peer-peer support, expert coaching, and resource-sharing are waiting to take you from “wish list” to “up and running.”

Which communities are (just right) for you?

KSMP Newsletter: Infectious disease protocols, position statements, training opportunities, intake SOPS, haikus, and much more, delivered to inboxes for over 20 years.

Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge Learniverse: The Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Learniverse is an interactive, online learning community found at the intersection of Knowing and Doing. Hosted by a team of animal welfare-leading experts, the Learniverse is a learning lab built to implement, test, and question innovations in the pursuit of continuous discovery and improvement in animal sheltering. Inside the Learniverse you’ll find both live and asynchronous training that is just the right size and format for your team.

All Call: Taking place the first and third Tuesdays of every month, the California for All Animals community discussions are centered around the most pressing wins and challenges facing California Animal shelters today. The calls are live and recorded for those who want to catch up on what they may have missed. Presenters and coaches make themselves available to anyone interested in implementing (or ironing out!) new initiatives at their shelter. Check out past recordings.

California for All Animals Newsletter: Subscribe to hear updates about how shelters have put California’s 35M grant investment to work. A great place to learn about and connect with innovative programs and leaders who are busting barriers and keeping pets with their people!

Maddie’s® Million Pet Challenge Newsletter: Teaming up for Pets and People, the Maddie’s Million Pet Challenge was born out of the successful lessons of the Million Cat Challenge and the hard lessons of the pandemic. Through shelter training and consultation, four teams are dedicated to helping communities build programs to keep families and their pets together, improve outcomes for all shelter pets, and assure that pets who already have families will receive the care they need. This is a collaboration of UC Davis Koret Shelter Medicine Program, Maddie’s Shelter Medicine Program at UF, Open Door Veterinary Collective, and Team Shelter USA.

Shelter Medicine Portal Events Calendar: Receive once-weekly reminders about the latest online offerings in the animal welfare world! Take a glance at the Events Calendar to see what’s next.

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